Babies and golden lions

Marmite the baby one 2

Marmite the baby one 1

Marmite the baby one 3

frame baby one

images © David Sykes 2014 All rights reserved.

During last year’s Marmite ‘Neglect’ campaign, one of the stars of the TV commercial was the ‘Baby One’ jar of Marmite. So much so, that Marmite produced a limited edition run of Baby Ones.

Nick and Tom (the creatives behind the campaign), thought it would be great to take a series of pictures showing how loved and cared for the Baby One is now, post rescue.

They asked if I wanted to help with their personal project and I jumped at the chance, and, with the styling talent of Caterina Gobbi, we created a series of little scenes of life after rescue. The result are these lovely, heartwarming shots of Baby Ones that have found new, loving homes.

I also had some great news at the beginning of the summer the ‘Neglect’ campaign I shot last year won some Gold Lions at this years Cannes advertising awards for best outdoor and best press advert.

Processed with VSCOcam with s3 preset

And the winner is…

Thanks to all those that took part in my christmas sock craft pack, apologies for the late arrival of the results, it has been a busy January!
There were some great sock characters created and in the end I couldn’t chose just one favourite so I’ve decide to award a bottle of bubbles to two creations.
The winners are Marion Thibaudot from BBH and Alex Bamford from RKCR/Y&R. Both of them put a smile on my face so congratulations to you both!
Here are the two winning entires


Below is the shot that started it all.

chrismas pud small

image © David Sykes 2013 All rights reserved.

AOP awards 2010

I’m very happy to anounce that my faux food series has made it into the Association of photographers awards 2010.
The prints will be on show for two weeks at the AOP gallery 81 Leonard Street London EC2A 4QS have a look!
Don’t forget you can still buy limited edtion signed prints from here.

All images ©David Sykes 2010 All rights reserved.

Top 200

I’m pleased to announce that my work has been selected to be in the luerzers Archive 200 best advertising photographers worldwide book.
The book is available now.
See below for the work they selected to be in the book.

All images ©David Sykes 2010 All rights reserved.

Awards season

awards blog copy
All images ©David Sykes 2009 All rights reserved.

Have made it into the creative review awards Photography annual again this year thats 4 years in a row now! I’ve also had my heinz garlic ad selected for the new campaign photo awards.